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Tell King County, Affordable Housing First!

  • King County Council Chambers 500 3rd Avenue, 10th Floor Seattle, WA (map)
We packed the hearing on July 30, let's rock this one too!
Meeting starts at 9:30am, but arrive early to sign up for public comment.
King County Executive Dow Constantine has proposed that $185 million in public funds from the Hotel/Motel Tax over the next two decades be used to upgrade Safeco Field, the Mariners’ stadium.
This revenue could be used instead to fund affordable housing and services for homeless youth. King County is in a severe affordable housing crisis, with unprecedented numbers of residents facing homelessness, housing insecurity, and displacement.
How can we justify taxpayer money to build an “upper-concourse kids zone” for baseball fans, when thousands of kids in our community don’t even have homes?
We are in a state of emergency, one that demands that our elected leaders make difficult and responsible decisions about priorities and the common good. With the repeal of Seattle’s big business tax, prioritizing existing revenue streams to address the crisis is more important than ever.
We need your help to urge ALL the councilmembers to make the right choice. They are holding a special meeting and public hearing on Monday, July 30th at 10am. Joins us at the King County Courthouse, in the council chambers on the 10th floor. Arrive by 9:45am to sign up for public comment! Remember you have to go through security to get into the courthouse and budget your time accordingly.
Councilmember Dave Upthegrove had stated his support for directing this revenue to housing and homelessness, instead of stadium upgrades. After the July 30 hearing, Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles announced her support for diverting nearly all the stadium money to affordable housing. We're making progress, but we need at least five votes to change course!